Friday, December 27, 2013

EMG - 12/26/13

Tabata push-ups 19,18,14,9,8,7,6,6
crunches 25,25,26,25,25,26,25,25

3 mile jog

Thursday, December 26, 2013

EMG - 12/24/13

6+ mile Elfin Forest loop didn't time myself, but I only walked once for about 10-15 yards.  Probably didn't even need to do that, but I came up behind some folks in a very steep technical section.

15 burpees

EMG - 12/23/13

3 mile easy run
mile 1) 35 push-ups
mile 1.5) 20 x 24in box jumps
mile 2) 35 push-ups
mile 3) 30 push-ups

5x5 weighted pull-ups 15 lbs (5,5,4) 10 lbs (3) 0 lbs (5)
5x5 weighted dips 40 lbs (5,5,4 DNF) felt a pull in my tricep tendon

Sunday, December 22, 2013

EMG 12/22/13

4 mile tempo run 6:45, 6:40, 6:44, 6:45 pretty pleased with this. I will do Elfin' Forest tomorrow as my last hard run before the Holiday Bowl 5K next Mon

 5 x 5 towel pull-ups 5,5,5,5,3

 15 burpees